Drain Repairs
Broken or collapsed drain?

Faced with a drain repair? Have you been told that it requires an excavation? UK Drainage only excavate when absolutely necessary.
No-dig technology/lining has improved so much that the majority of drainage repairs and replacements can be completed without having to dig at all. However, there are some occasions when excavation is the only way to do the job effectively. Sometimes, it’s faster and more efficient to replace short sections of pipe at a shallow depth by excavating the old pipe and
replacing with new. There are occasions when a pipe or sewer has reached such a state of collapse or is completely inaccessible that the only route to take is excavation and repair.
UK Drainage are experienced in all types of excavations, from a small gully replacement to a major excavation drain repair. Full insurance is in place for excavations up to 3m in depth with £10million liability and fully trained engineers. Full reinstatement is always carried out following any excavation, together with the removal of all waste. Should a garden require excavation, a professional gardener is available to photograph plants and replant in their original position on completion. Excavated turf can also be replaced to ensure minimal disruption to your environment.
We pride ourselves on our working standards and quality of finish.
Please contact us any time for advice or further information on 01283 711 550 or email info@ukdrainage.com
Why Choose Us?
We’re here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
CCTV video recording available to view online at any time.
No callout charge.
All of our engineers carry personalised I.D. cards.
Free, no obligation helpline.
OAP discounts available for residential customers.
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